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Wir stiften innovative Forschung
indem wir Wissenschaft weiblicher machen

Hochschule, Wissenschaft

Empowerment-Tag - Darum geht es

In Baden-Württemberg ist rund die Hälfte aller Studierenden weiblich, doch nur wenige Professuren und Führungspositionen in der Wirtschaft sind von Frauen besetzt. Um diese Geschlechterungleichheit sichtbarer zu machen und Frauen aus der Wissenschaft zu motivieren, ihre Karriereplanung in die Hand zu nehmen, veranstaltet die Stiftung jährlich den Empowerment-Tag.

Next Empowerment Day on 4th of December 2024 - will be held in English!

The next Empowerment Day will take place on Wednesday, 4th of December 2024 with the title Raise your voice!

Junior Professor Dr Amrei Bahr from the University of Stuttgart and co-initiator of the #IchBinHanna initiative will talk about her experiences as she has become increasingly well-known in science and politics with the initiative. Her focus will be on the special situation as a woman in male-dominated fields and the associated challenges. She wants to encourage women in science to join forces and achieve greater change together as a network.

In addition, there are five exciting workshops to choose from, each focussing on a different aspect of the day's motto. The full programme can be found here.

Only female students, doctoral candidates and postdocs from Baden-Württemberg universities and non-profit, non-university research institutions based in Baden-Württemberg can take part.


Workshops at the Empowerment Day

Navigating the complex landscape of academic life often involves encountering conflicts and engaging in difficult conversations. Whether it's addressing authorship disputes, navigating power dynamics, or managing conflicting expectations, these situations can be particularly challenging.

This workshop is designed to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to effectively manage conflicts and engage in challenging conversations with confidence. Through interactive sessions, role-training exercises, and expert-led discussions, you will learn how to:

  • Recognize the sources of conflict in academic environments.
  • Develop strategies for de-escalating and resolving disputes.
  • Communicate effectively in high-stakes situations.
  • Understand and navigate power dynamics in the workplace.
  • Advocate for yourself and your work without compromising professional relationships.

In this workshop you will gain practical skills for managing conflicts and difficult conversations and build a supportive network of peers facing similar challenges.

Your trainer:

Stefanie Mädel studied organizational psychology at the University of Konstanz. She has been working for different international companies. Her professional focus is on mental health, professional communication and managing conflicts.

Science needs presenters who present their scientific topics in a self-confident manner. But how do I orally convey my content to my audience convincingly? How do I speak with power? How do I stand on stage? How do I move? How do I structure my thoughts? And how can I have fun and feel self-confident when speaking in front of an audience? 

Speaking is not just a skill, it's an enjoyable experience. In this workshop, we'll show you how to bring your arguments across, react quick-witted, and use your voice and body to achieve just this in a self-confident manner. Only what comes across will reach your listeners. Their perception is key to the success of your presentation. Show your power and enjoy the process! This is what we train, and you're going to love learning how to do it. 

Your trainer:

Dr. Jane Bormeister is a communication strategist who works in business, science, and politics and is the founder of Atelier für Rhetorik in Berlin. She is also a professor and academic study director at the International Berufsakademie (iba), focusing on social pedagogy, management, and coaching through the Virtual Campus and in Berlin.

The aim of this workshop is to empower young women scientists and equip them with the necessary skills to confidently face challenges and set boundaries in their academic, professional and personal careers. During the workshop we will explore the unique experiences of young women in research and offer practical strategies for effective decision-making, communication and self-advocacy. By learning to say 'no' and cultivating strong boundaries, participants will improve their self-expression and create a more balanced and fulfilling research experience.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  • How to say no to unwanted requests, manage expectations and prioritise without sacrificing wellbeing.
  • Strengthening the power of assertiveness in personal and professional contexts
  • Building solid boundaries
  • Addressing gender challenges
  • Improving communication skills to express one's needs, opinions and ideas confidently and clearly, ensuring that one's voice is heard and respected.

In this workshop you will explore ways to promote self-empowerment to make informed decisions, overcome obstacles and thrive in research.

Your trainer:

Dr. Sara Rogalski is a trainer at Impetus, who has found her passion for helping and supporting researchers in early career stages during her own time as a PhD student. Her workshops are based on year-long experience and expertise in matters of stress, time, and life management.

The workshop on "Be a voice! - Vocal training!" will explore on how you sound when you speak and how you can "raise your voice" without getting hoarse.

In fun exercises you will understand the connection between breathing pressure, body posture, relaxed resonance spaces and inner attitude. You will be instructed to get to know and change the sound of your voice. In the process, you will also learn how to strengthen this important means of expression and how to use it (even) more effectively: your voice!

In the workshop, participants will explore the following questions:

  • How does my voice react to my body? How does my physical posture and body awareness influence the sound of my voice?
  • What is the connection between breathing, breath pressure and voice? How can I strengthen my voice through “correct breathing” and ensure it has adequate space to grow in quality and volume?
  • How does the way I speak influence how I come across? How can I consciously deal with my tempo and my articulation?
  • How does the sound of my voice relate to my emotional state of being? How can I focus myself in order to appear confident and vocally strong?

Your trainer:

Franziska Trischler is a speech scientist with over 15 years of experience as a freelance speech artist, trainer for voice and rhetoric as well as an academic assistant at the University of Education Freiburg. She is particularly interested in reading aloud and the creative teaching of communicative skills.

"We know what we are, but not what we may be" (Shakespeare)

In this consistently interactive workshop, you will dip into the entirely different world of theatre. Discover the remarkable parallels between what an actor learns to authentically embody a role and what can be useful for you both in academic and personal contexts.

Through emotional experiences, you will acquire skills to develop yourself effectively, act authentically, and become more courageous, convincing, and –first of all–more visible. Experience the astonishing immediate effects that the purposeful use of breath, voice, and language can have on your appearance. You will train to give your voice a powerful tone, use body language for clear communication, and present authentically in lectures and conversations.

Your trainer:

Matthias Kress is an actor, integrative coach, film producer and trainer at management-by-shakespeare. His core training topics are presence and presentation, communication, team and leadership skills development, voice training and body language.

der Veranstaltung

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Empowerment-Tag April 2023

Dr. Caroline Liepert

Dr. Caroline Liepert
Abteilungsleiterin Forschung, Bildung (interimsweise), Prokuristin
Tel +49 (0) 711 248 476-15

Franziska Klaeger
Referentin Forschung
Tel +49 (0) 711 248 476-47

Juliane Klopstein
Referentin Forschung
Tel +49 (0) 711 248 476 40